Direktlänk till inlägg 3 november 2013

Crimson eyes - Nanowrimo 2013

Av Tinna - 3 november 2013 22:02

From here on I'll be posting my progress through out the national novel writing month and hopefully some of you will enjoy and understand this story. This is what I'v written so far tonight since I started a bit late and all. Let's start, shall we? 

Crimson eyes

So, I heard you liked stories with no real or actual ending, the ones which goes on and on and on? Well then you've come to the right page! I have one of those stories for you but first you gotta see these questions I have in mind.

How would you feel if a dear family member died and you got the blame for it?
How hard would it be to explain to everyone who trusted you that it wasn't your fault?
How tempting would it be to make a deal with the undead, to sell them your soul, just to make it all right?

Yes, I do have the answer for those questions. No, I am not going to tell you the answers just like that. You gotta earn them, listen to my story and you might even figure it out all by yourself!

                                                               Chapter 1


Now the story I have in mind for you might indeed seem a little bit weird, cruel and dark, but it is indeed my story after all. So if you're a sensitive one you might as well stop reading after this little warning here.

No? Not gonna stop? Well, suit yourself then! Let's go.

The story I'm about to tell you is about a girl who lives in a pretty normal family, she's shy, doesn't really have that many friends and relied very much on her older brother, Cody.
She's a special little girl and the story kicks off on her 10
th birthday, the day her family moved to a new town, a new beginning and a complete change for the little shy girl and her not at all shy brother.

It was a rainy morning as the family car stopped at the new house, she sighed deeply and looked outside through the car window. The water drops ran down the slippery wet glass and made a slight knocking sound as they hit the window on their way down towards the grass. “Cody, could you help dad with the cartons for your sister's room?” she heard her mother say as they all left the car. She stayed in the car for a while longer, she wanted to listen to the sound of the rain as everything else around her was quiet. She found it very calming. She could have stayed there for ever but this time her calm moment was interrupted by her father who came to pick her up and bring her inside. “Come on now sweetie, you can't stay in the car. It will get cold soon since I took the key with me as I left earlier.” he told her in that calm voice he used to have as he talked to his little daughter. She took her backpack and her sketchbook and followed her father in to the new house. She felt very tiny as they stepped in through the front door which was almost as big as the ones she'd seen in the castles in Disney movies. “Is this our new home, Daddy?” she whispered since she was a little bit frightened by the huge house she had stepped into. “Yes sweetie, this will be our new home. Go find your brother, his room is next to yours on the second floor.” he told her and gave her a kiss on the forehead before he went to the kitchen.
She glanced towards the staircase and almost got dizzy by the sight of it because it was shaped as a spiral. She was a very shy and insecure girl with almost no confidence at all, at least when she was all alone. Carefully, trying to be quiet she started to make her way to the second floor and to her brothers room.
The corridor where their rooms were was very wide and long, at the end of it she saw a huge window with dark red curtains and a vase with a red rose in it. “C-cody?” she called out in the long silent corridor and hoped he wouldn't jump out behind some door to scare her like he used to. He was a good brother, she loved her very much and all but he just loved to scare her since she was easily frightened. “Yes? I'm in the room with the blue door!” Cody answered with a tone in his voice telling her he was carrying something heavy. “Daddy told me to come help you.” she said as she peeked in through the door and saw her brother carrying the box with his adventure books in it. He started to fill his bookshelf with them as he was humming on a melody she recognized very well. “Isn't that the woodpecker song?” she asked and sat down on a pillow on the floor next to a shelf. “Yup, it sure is! But that's not important right now, I just waited for you so now that you're here I can go show you your room.” he said ans smiled kindly towards her. He took her hand and pulled her up from the floor quickly and as they took a few steps out of the room Cody almost made a u-turn and stopped in front of a red door with a golden door handle. “Come on then, open the door!” Cody said and took a few steps back. She closed her eyes and inhaled and as she exhaled she opened the door to her room.
She laughed loudly and got jumpy as she saw the big new bed filled with all of her stuffed animals, the bookshelf with all of her sketchbooks and disney movies and the new desk. She ran around in her new huge room and when she heard some sound coming out of a gift paper wrapped box on her pillow she walked up to it and listened. Meowing, like a cat. That's what she'd heard.

(What it is you will find out tomorrow!)


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Tinna - 24 januari 2014 15:57

Ännu en gång ligger man på psyk, fast denna gång är det såhär, ÄNTLIGEN tog de in mig! Nåja, nu när du vet det, så återgår jag till dagens topic~ Det är lite bättre med mig just idag, ifall nån ville veta. Läste en intressant mening idag i en bok...

Av Tinna - 3 november 2013 19:32

Nämen titta det gick visst lite tid där emellan inläggen igen, whups! Men nu är det ju så att nanowrimo kört igång och jag kommer att posta novellen jag skriver här på min blogg, så ifall nån vill läsa kan dom läsa det här och så. Årets novell heter ...

Av Tinna - 5 oktober 2013 00:02

Är för övrigt en fin låt på piano som kan hittas här och var~Att ha många stigar att vandra men att inte veta vilken väg man ska välja, det är något de flesta hamnar i någon eller flera gånger i livet. Jag är ännu en gång där, jag har ju mina mål för...

Av Tinna - 16 augusti 2013 02:00

Kras. Krash. Boink. Slafs. Sopa in det under mattan bara så syns det inte mer sen. Typ så tänkte jag att det skulle funka och det fungerade ju ett tag. Men när något stötte till mattkanten vällde allt fram igen, allt, allt, alltihopa. Jag vill inte s...

Av Tinna - 7 augusti 2013 20:12

Hejsan, igen. Ja, jag har just nu inget jättre trevligt att säga, mest bara klaga om lite bekymmer och problematik som vägrar ge vika. Mina ätstörningar hänger kvar även om jag nu faktist försöker göra något åt det, så ger de inte vika. Jag har pre...


Välkommen till en blogg som handlar om mitt liv kort och gott. Jag drömmer om att få jobba med spel i framtiden och har en hel drös med olika hobbies~

Fråga mig

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