Direktlänk till inlägg 20 juni 2013

Confession of a broken puzzle

Av Tinna - 20 juni 2013 23:02

I wept and I cried and I cried and I cried! I wept and I cried and I cried and I cried! I wept and I cried and I cried and I cried and I screamed your name, I shouted it out so loud, oh so loud. I screamed for my darling, I cried for you and I hoped you could feel it. I hoped you would feel this pain I feel and carry in my chest so heavy. So painful, so strong, so..harmful.
I screamed for you, my love, my darling. How could you? I love you! I screamed and I cried and I cried and I cried. I screamed and I cried and I cried and I cried. I cried and I screamed, I hoped and I begged, I missed and I kissed your heart. I love you!
How could I? How could I? Oh! How could I hope for you to feel this pain? How could I hope for you to break into pieces, crush your heart, be so torn apart, be so dark inside, so..broken. My love. My dear. My treasure. My star. My Alice. Your Hatter is torn apart, she's torn apart! By! You! You said those words, it hurt so bad, it tore my heart apart like a rose it burned in the fire so hot and so burning! So crued and so cold. You said..it's over.
I took your hand, I screamed for you, I begged for a second chance, to prove, to make you feel, to make you see...I love you. I love you. I love you. I love...you.

I looked you deep in your eyes, I saw the tears flowing down, running down, crawling down your cheek. I wiped them away for you, your salty, sweet little tears, I wiped them away, I looked in to your eyes, I told you. I'm sorry.
You said it too! You said you were sorry, you said you couldn't take it, the pain, the chaos, the core of us. It's hot, so hot! It's love, yes! It's love, my dear! It's love! I told you that as my tears wet down my pretty little face, I kissed your lips and hoped you would say, and you did!

So why did you do it? Why did you leave me? Why did you take your ring off of that finger? Why did you hurt me? Why did you hurt you? Why? Why?! Why!!!?

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you now and forever. No one touches me, no one gets close to me, no one gets me, no one will never, ever, ever, ever, ever get to touch the core, the so hidden, so fragile core of my heart! No one! No one! No one!
I'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever love anyone! No! No one! But...you.
I love you...Lou<3


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Tinna - 24 januari 2014 15:57

Ännu en gång ligger man på psyk, fast denna gång är det såhär, ÄNTLIGEN tog de in mig! Nåja, nu när du vet det, så återgår jag till dagens topic~ Det är lite bättre med mig just idag, ifall nån ville veta. Läste en intressant mening idag i en bok...

Av Tinna - 3 november 2013 22:02

From here on I'll be posting my progress through out the national novel writing month and hopefully some of you will enjoy and understand this story. This is what I'v written so far tonight since I started a bit late and all. Let's start, shall we? C...

Av Tinna - 3 november 2013 19:32

Nämen titta det gick visst lite tid där emellan inläggen igen, whups! Men nu är det ju så att nanowrimo kört igång och jag kommer att posta novellen jag skriver här på min blogg, så ifall nån vill läsa kan dom läsa det här och så. Årets novell heter ...

Av Tinna - 5 oktober 2013 00:02

Är för övrigt en fin låt på piano som kan hittas här och var~Att ha många stigar att vandra men att inte veta vilken väg man ska välja, det är något de flesta hamnar i någon eller flera gånger i livet. Jag är ännu en gång där, jag har ju mina mål för...

Av Tinna - 16 augusti 2013 02:00

Kras. Krash. Boink. Slafs. Sopa in det under mattan bara så syns det inte mer sen. Typ så tänkte jag att det skulle funka och det fungerade ju ett tag. Men när något stötte till mattkanten vällde allt fram igen, allt, allt, alltihopa. Jag vill inte s...


Välkommen till en blogg som handlar om mitt liv kort och gott. Jag drömmer om att få jobba med spel i framtiden och har en hel drös med olika hobbies~

Fråga mig

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